Common Signs of Dyslexia in K-1st grade:


Common Signs of Dyslexia in K-1st grade

By Yale University

  • Difficulties

    • Reading errors that show no connection to the sounds of the letters on the page—will say “puppy” instead of the written word “dog” on an illustrated page with a picture of a dog

    • Does not understand that words come apart

    • Complains about how hard reading is; “disappears” when it is time to read

    • A history of reading problems in parents or siblings

    • Cannot sound out even simple words like cat, map, nap

    • Does not associate letters with sounds, such as the letter b with the “b” sound


    • Curiosity

    • Great imagination

    • Ability to figure things out; gets the gist of things

    • Eager embrace of new ideas

    • A good understanding of new concepts

    • Surprising maturity

    • A larger vocabulary than typical for age group

    • Enjoys solving puzzles

    • Talent for building models

    • Excellent comprehension of stories read or told to him

  • Remember: reading skills can improve substantially at any age, but the most successful results occur when an intervention is started between pre-K and 2nd grade.


Common Signs of Dyslexia in 2nd grade - High School:


Common Signs of Dyslexia in Preschoolers: