Common Signs of Dyslexia in 2nd grade - High School:


Common Signs of Dyslexia in 2nd grade - High School

By Yale University


  • Very slow in acquiring reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward

  • Trouble reading unfamiliar words, often making wild guesses because he cannot sound out the word

  • Doesn’t seem to have a strategy for reading new words

  • Avoids reading out loud


  • Searches for a specific word and ends up using vague language, such as “stuff” or “thing,” without naming the object

  • Pauses, hesitates, and/or uses lots of “um’s” when speaking

  • Confuses words that sound alike, such as saying “tornado” for “volcano,” substituting “lotion” for “ocean”

  • Mispronunciation of long, unfamiliar or complicated words

  • Seems to need extra time to respond to questions

School and Life

  • Trouble remembering dates, names, telephone numbers, random lists

  • Struggles to finish tests on time

  • Extreme difficulty learning a foreign language

  • Poor spelling

  • Messy handwriting

  • Low self-esteem that may not be immediately visible


  • Excellent thinking skills: conceptualization, reasoning, imagination, abstraction

  • Learning that is accomplished best through meaning rather than rote memorization

  • Ability to get the “big picture”

  • A high level of understanding of what is read to him

  • The ability to read and to understand at a high level overlearned (or highly practiced) words in a special area of interest; for example, if he or she loves cooking they may be able to read food magazines and cookbooks

  • Improvement as an area of interest becomes more specialized and focused—and a miniature vocabulary is developed that allows for reading in that subject area

  • A surprisingly sophisticated listening vocabulary

  • Excels in areas not dependent on reading, such as math, computers and visual arts, or in more conceptual (versus fact-driven) subjects, including philosophy, biology, social studies, neuroscience and creative writing

  • Remember: reading skills can improve substantially at any age, but the most successful results occur when an intervention is started between pre-K and 2nd grade.


Common Signs of Dyslexia in Adults


Common Signs of Dyslexia in K-1st grade: